

Fly Open Day Demonstrations – Sunday 21st May

The Fly Sub-committee has managed to line up a different series of demonstrations for this years Open Day (9.30 – 3.30, Inghey Bridge, R. Aire):

10.30 – Wallis Casting (Trotting Techniques) – Alan Roe

11.30 – Wet Fly Fishing Techniques – Stephen Cheetham

12.30 – Tenkara – David Southall

1.30 – Distance Casting Techniques – Ian Hedley

2.30 – Italian Casting Style – Philip Bailey

Each demonstration will have a brief introduction, demonstration and a Q&A session.

BBQ/Coffee included in entry fee, Riverfly demonstration and a raffle for a fly box of flies.

Entry fee £5/per person payable on entry. All in aid of the Wild Trout Trust.

The day is open to non members and it provides a chance to meet members of the Fly Sub-committee, cath up with friends.

look forward to seeing you all there.

Philip Bailey

Fly Secretary