

Fly Fishing Course – 2023

Following on from the successful fly fishing course last year, the Fly Sub-committee is again offering the course to interested members.

We have  modified the timing of the event to be run over three all days (9.00 am to 5.00pm), on the bank of the R.Aire at Inghey Bridge (Gargrave beat) on the following days:

  • Sunday 23rd April
  • Sunday 14th May
  • Sunday 28th May

Last year 9 members learnt the basics of getting set up including knots and leader design, basics of dry fly fishing, wet fly fishing, nymphing, using  dry dropper and streamer fishing. Together with substantial fly casting tuition by our capable fly casting instructors.

The course is again open to 10 members at a cost of £100/participant, payable on registration. Acceptance will be on a first registration and payment basis. If you are interested then please email the Fly Secretary – Payment details will be advised separately.

The Fly Sub-committee and Association uses these funds to purchase 5 day tickets on the Welsh Dee (Bala and District Angling Association) and to support other events for members.

The course includes the following:

Fly Fishing Basics This module will include tackle set up, common knots used, basic tackle requirements, BCAA game fishing rules, fish handling guidelines, invertebrate identification, fly selection, finding fish.
Dry Fly Fishing This module will include leader selection and set up, fly selection over a season, reading water types, dealing with drag, hooking and playing a fish.
Wet Fly Fishing This module will include the history of soft hackles, leader set up, fly selection, reading water types, delivery of multiple flies, wet fly tactics.
Nymph Fishing This module will include introduction to classical and contact nymphing techniques, weighted fly casting techniques, understanding the 9 elements associated with contact nymphing, fly selection, reading water types.
Dry Dropper Fishing This module will include how to set up an indicator/ nymph combination, impact of water currents on the set up, practical application of the techniques.
Streamer Fishing This module will include leader set up, reading water types, fly selection, streamer fishing tactics.